HRC: LWF advocates for the rights of the most vulnerable

Ceiling of the UN Human Rights Council, by Spanish painter Miquel Barceló. Photo: LWF/C. Kästner

Climate change, access to health and land rights issues addressed

(LWI) - At the 43rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC), the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) organized a side event on access to health and delivered oral statements on climate change and human rights, two issues which LWF has identified as being of strategic importance.

Local to global approach for Special Rapporteur on Climate Change

On behalf of the Geneva Interfaith Forum for Climate Change, Environment and Human Rights (GIF) LWF welcomed the statement of the Climate Vulnerable Forum, calling for the creation of a dedicated Special Rapporteur on climate change.

LWF recommended that the mandate of a future Special Rapporteur would include, conducting country visits and consultations with affected communities; promoting policy coherence between climate actions and international human rights obligations and being the focal point for dialogue with governments, civil society, and international financial institutions.

Read the statement here: UN Web TV - Item:4 General Debate (Cont'd) - 27th Meeting, 43rd Regular Session Human Rights Council

Oral Statement on Human Rights in Angola

LWF and its civil society partners in Angola commit to supporting the implementation of UPR recommendations on access to justice; rights of the child; rights of women concerning sexual and gender-based violence; rights of indigenous people and minority groups; rights of refugees; land rights; and business and human rights.

Link to the statement: UN web TV- Angola, UPR Report Consideration - 30th Meeting, 43rd Regular Session Human Rights Council

Side Event on Access to health for Palestinian children

Speaking from experience in providing specialized health care to children from Gaza, and their challenges in obtaining travel permits from Israeli security to access treatment on time, LWF and its partner organizations organized a side event calling upon the international community to ensure that all Palestinian children, particularly those diagnosed with cancer be treated without delay and travel restrictions, and that all children referred for medical treatment outside Gaza should be accompanied by at least one parent.

The oral statement was not delivered because the Human Rights Council sessions ended earlier due to COVID-19.