The chance to develop a career

The LWF supported Benny Fulayi as a young refugee. Now he works for them. Photo: LWF Angola

LWF recognizes talents of staff members

(LWI) - A career with the LWF provides not only the opportunity to carry out work that is worthwhile, but in a large number of cases offers a meaningful professional path.

Many of LWF’s 7,548 staff are drawn from the communities they serve.

LWF Angola has recognized and nurtured the talents of two staff, Benny Fulayi and Bely Menga Kimvuidi Mangika.

I am happy working for LWF

During the civil war in Angola, Benny Fulayi fled to Zambia, where he started over as a refugee. His schooling would have ended prematurely had the LWF not sponsored the last five years of education.

“During my school period I really admired the humanitarian work of LWF, how it was assisting foreign students, especially refugees from Angola and Congo. The refugees had no possibility of advancing themselves economically. All in all, life for the refugees was not very good.”

Without LWF’s intervention, none of the refugees would have managed to have any education because the school fees were too high, he says.

“Under LWF care, I decided that, if possible, I would join the LWF to help assist other people who were suffering as I was.”

Five years ago, his skills were spotted and he was accepted for a post of community field worker with the LWF. “Now I am happy working for LWF and with vulnerable people in the communities in the southern province of Angola.”

House guard to project coordinator

Bely Menga Kimvuidi Mangika is a project coordinator for LWF Angola.

A veterinarian by profession, he joined the LWF in 1996 as a guard at the residence of the LWF Angola logistics officer, who he knew as Mr Eric. At the same time, he taught mathematics at a training center in his neighborhood.

One night, Mr Eric found him planning the lessons he was to give the following day and asked who the preparation was for. When Mangika replied that it was for himself, Mr Eric asked what level of education he had attained as a math’s teacher.

Mangika said he was, in fact, a veterinarian. “Mr Eric told me that tomorrow we would not meet first at his home but in his office.”

Once it was confirmed that Mangika had a university degree, the LWF Angola office promoted him to an administration role. Two years later, he was promoted again. Over time, his talents gradually earned him greater recognition, praise, responsibility and further promotion.

“Three years later I was transferred to logistics as logistics coordinator assistant. Two years later I was again promoted.

“In 2005, I was made interim logistics coordinator and in 2007 I was appointed project coordinator in Muconda, east Angola. In 2009 with the restructuring of LWF Angola, I was appointed to manage resources.”

Bringing people together

Three years ago, Mangika was appointed to coordinate an ACT Alliance emergency appeal. A year later, he became a project coordinator in Cunene, a large region in the south.

“I love the LWF because it offers training not only for the organization but also for personal life. I have learned to lead and manage people whatever their ages.

“I learned to demonstrate transparency in my activities and can reach consensus before a conflict arises. Today, I can bring people together,” he says.